
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Pretend Play

My kids cannot seem to ever preoccupy themselves - even for seven minutes! So I created them some free pretend play printables to keep them distracted... works for 23 minutes or so ;) So I decided to share. 

My kids love playing mail - so I designed these cute printable postcards

free printable postcards for kids

Kids can also get a small box and decorate it for their own mailbox.

pretend play birthday party

Pretend play restaurant including; restaurant sign, menu, emoji menu and guest order checks

Grocery Store - with printable lined and blank grocery lists

"Hire a Superhero" free printable superhero game

auto repair pretend play

Pretend Play Pirates Free Printables

Pretend play store with link to free printable money.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Pretend Play Restuarant

I created Lily Beauty Salon printables a couple days ago and asked her what she wanted next - she said Wendy's?  Lol okay so I interpreted that as a restaurant. 

free restaurant printables

I created a restaurant sign, menu, money, and checks to write down orders on.

free restaurant pretend play printables

Restaurant sign - where kids can write their own name - Dylan is so proud he can write his name now! 

free kids restaurant printables

Or you can write it for them.

free printable play menu

Lily asked for a page with different food so I created a menu with pictures and prices.

free printable pretend play menu

Here is the front of the menu, so I printed it doubled sided. 

printable play menu

I get confused sometime so usually draw a little arrow in the bottom right corner to try to figure out which way to print it on the back side. 

It was slightly see through so I am going to buy some thicker grade computer paper (when its not  -30 degrees below Celsius and my car actually starts...)

I created some waitress pads so the kids could take the customer orders.

restaurant pretend play

restaurant pretend play printables

I attached them together with a paperclip.

Lily is in grade one so she can write words down if she is helped with the spelling of them and at 4 Dylan drew pictures of the menu items and added the prices. 

They used basic math to figure out the totals and took turns being the customer. 

And I created some emoji inspired money to go along with it

free pretend play emoji money

free printable emoji money

free emoji money

I also designed Kawai money and Batman money if you would prefer. 

Hope you and your family enjoy it too!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Hire a Superhero

I created beauty salon printables for Lily, and Dylan was such a sport playing he just liked being in charge of the money so I decided to create a game he would enjoy a little more so I created "Hire a Superhero"

superhero pretend play

So someone in need of help can hire a super hero with their money.

superhero printables

Since I created Kawaii money for Lily I decided to create batman money for Dylan as it's his favourite.

superhero money

And I saved them 6 to a page with two different denominations for easy printing.

batman money

free superhero money

Lily decided she needed help as she was electrocuted? and hired Dylan who got a batman robe with this adorable hood with eyes, cape and iron man suit for Christmas. 

batman robe

Dylan as Iron Man

iron man costume

And pin this post for later as I will be adding all the superhero masks shortly. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Beauty Salon Printables

Lily loves when I print her out activities, and I love pretend play as it seems to keep the kids preoccupied more than some other activities without screen time. So I created some free beauty salon printables and thought I would share.

pretend play printables

I created two different signs, and left them blank so you can write in your childs own name, or they can do it themselves.

beauty salon pretend play printables

Beauty Salon Sign - you can tape this sign to a wall or door or attach a ribbon and hang it over a door knob. 

Beauty Salon sign - foldable. This one is designed to be folded in half and placed on a table or counter. If you have trouble with it staying up fold the ends inwards about a an inch or so.

free beauty salon pretend play printables

Here is a list of Beauty Salon services, I love anything Kawaii inspired it is so adorable! 

free pretend play printables

I also decided to create some money; Kawai themes money in different colours: as that's half the fun, Dylan decided he was the cashier and handed out all the money.  

free Kawaii money

I saved three of each domination to a page for easy printing and you can print out as much money as you like (read: feel like cleaning up afterwards)

free play money

free pretend play money

beauty salon printables

My Life dolls waiting patiently in the waiting room.

I even let my 6 year old paint my nails hot pink, she was very proud of herself and luckily for me she is getting better at it. 

pretend play manicure

Hope you have fun!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Free Budget Printables

With the New Year just around the corner it has me thinking about everything I want to improve on - losing a few pounds and paying off my debt so here is a round-up of free budget printables to help you get (and keep) on track.

free printable budget planners

Get the Ultimate Printable Budget Binder from Thirty Handmade Days including cover and spine, weekly and monthly ledgers, month at a glance, savings information, outstanding debt and more, or get the mini version here

free budget binder

Get this free printable budget binder from Freebie Finding Mom including cover, financial goals sheet, finance by month sheet, and monthly assessment sheet

free budget printables

Get these budget binder printables from Single Mom Income income which will help you set your goals, create monthly goal to do lists, track your spending, create a budget, and create a menu plan

budget binder printables

Family Binder Budgeting Printables from Clean and Scentsible including budget at a glance, budget overview, debt tracker, and monthly budget tracker. 

free budgeting printables

Get free printable Budget Worksheets from Printable Crush  which includes monthly budget and expense tracking sheets

free printable budget worksheets

Get this free printable Monthly Budget Worksheets from College Life Made Easy

monthly budgeting printables

Get this free printable Budget Planner from Shining Mom including 30 different printables including financial goals, monthly budget, bill tracker, expenses log and more.

free printable budget planner

Get this free printable budget binder from The Budget Mom which uses paycheck to paycheck budget method. 

budget by paycheck printables

Get this free printable budget planner from Redefining Mom including weekly expense log, bill payment tracker, debt payment log, yearly summary and more.

printable payment tracker

Get this free printable expense tracker from Moritz Fine Designs and get the income tracker here

monthly expense tracker printable

Get free printable budget worksheets from Shining Mom

budget worksheets to print

Get these free printable monthly budget sheets from Printable Crush

Get this beautiful free budgeting binder from the housewife modern